Thursday, February 27, 2014

Blog 16

Answer #2 (Write in a complete sentence like a thesis statement)*
Learning different genres help a musician test their capabilities by forcing them to think about a piece and learn how to approach music differently, whether it be by listening to how music is played by a technical standpoint or by playing something in sections slowly until they have each section fully memorized after utilizing what they already know from past experiences and apply that knowledge to playing that specific piece.
3 details to support the answer (a detail is a fact and an example)
  • For example, if I were being given a piece that I had never seen before and was an intermediate classical piece or so, I would have most likely looked at the entire score before I even decided to attempt playing it myself without practice. Most often it is helpful to scan the score and mark in places that prove more difficult or demanding of technique, such as sudden jumps from octave to octave or ornamentation.
  • I would listen to a recording of it to better understand the rhythm of the piece, then I would proceed to begin using a metronome to work on it. Most often, listening helps also with interpretation and understanding the emotion of the piece itself.
  • I would play through it until I got better, starting out slow then going gradually faster. Most of the time, this forces a pianist to look at approaching score differently, and if needed, learning how to shift their hands in a different way whether written in the score by numbered fingerings indicated on page. 

Through listening to recordings, taking a piece apart after scanning it and changing the way you play certain notes, you are in a sense challenged to improve your skills and therefore become a better musician in doing so.

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